Amit Singh


Deep Learning Engineer

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Hello there,

I’m Amit. I like to code, listening to all kinds of music, walking among trees and memes.

My relationship with coding started with Java when I was 14. Back then I used to play with Netbeans to create simple (very simple 🤣) desktop apps like text editor, voice recorder, music player etc, and it felt so good every time these worked without any error, still does 🙂

After that I got into Android app development, worked on multiple projects that involved using cloud services like Cloudinary, AWS, and firebase. And that was the best part, bringing together different technologies to solve one problem. Like learning how to scrape the internet for relevant data when your developer account request is not approved 🤐

Currently I’m exploring the world of Neural Networks and its applications. I recently finished a Nanodegree course on Deep Learing that covered everything from behind-the-scene mathematics of neural nets to deploying a model on AWS Sagemaker, and of course CNNs, GANs, LSTMs and all that good stuff.

Feel free to contact me, I’m a very nice person unless you ask for my credit card details 🤪